Circle4x – Brand Related Human Experiences
Euer Startup in einem Tweet: Was macht Ihr?
Creative Strategy advisors and implementers for all brand related human experiences. Circle4x is a company of highly experienced people who are passionate about human experience when interacting with a brand in retail or in services. We help turn emotions into profitability.
Welches konkrete Bedürfnis des Handels/der Industrie/der Stadt/des Shoppers adressiert Ihr?
Improve the Retail- & Customer Experience of Brands; turn Point of Sale into profitable Point of Experience. We have the vision to bring back fun and emotions to retail and with this the relevancy of retail.
We think that the human being has to be the centre of all considerations when it comes to interacting with the brand, the administration or any other service providers.
With our HUMAN4X-Index we will audit the status of the emotional engagement of customers and give advice and design ideas and concepts on what it needs to make to satisfy the human emotional needs. We want to install the RoEE – the Return of Emotional Engagement – as new measurement for brands success instead of the RoI.
Wer seid Ihr (Team) und welchen beruflichen Hintergrund habt Ihr?
We are senior managers coming from the automotive and branding industry. Michele having had 18,5 years with BMW AG being responsible for „Future Retail – Premium Retail Experience“ and the creator of the Retail Experience LAB was in charge to think about the future of automotive retail and design ideas and concepts for the transformation of it.
Paul being with a brand implementation company supporting brands to implement the measures and concepts designed to enhance the experience of customers.
Wo steht Euer Unternehmen heute und wo seht Ihr es in fünf Jahren?
Today we are a small bunch of former senior managers that have the vision to set up a boutique of professional experts with deep industry insights on how to transform retail into a relevant, engaging and emotionally interacting experience – being it physical or virtual.
In five years time Cirlce4x will still be ’small‘ in numbers of employees but engaged with big brands and names of retail. Circle4x will have a network of certified partners ( that will act as a family and secure the intercultural exchange and learning.
Was benötigt Ihr auf diesem Weg? Wen oder was sucht Ihr?
We are seeking for partners and other experts that deal with human emotions as part of their business approach and who believe that the human aspects in business is the changer towards relevancy of the business life.
Circle4x GmbH
Harthauser Str. 6a
83043 Bad Aibling